Files from Desktop folder suddenly missing!


Something very strange happened: I did a reboot and suddenly realized that half of my icons on the Desktop are missing. I had a look into the folder and they were missing there, too. I looked into Trash, nothing. Being completely puzzled I rebooted again, with the result that now the Desktop is completely empty! It shows only the HD icons. None of my files are in the Trash. Nothing in the Desktop folder in Finder. ls -al doesn't show anything, only an empty file '.localized'. No other folder in my home directory seems affected. And no, I did not play with 'rm *'. I didn't install any fancy software recently (except Byki Express, not sure if that's important). I'm on a new unibody MBP 15", Leopard. Any ideas what I could do? And how to recover the files?

Edit: I thought I should add that I also also searched the HD, just in case I accidently moved the files. But that didn't help either
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