Fileshare with Win2K


I have successfully connected a linksys router to my Win 2K PC, and my iBook G4 can get the internet with its Airport card. The internet is not my problem. I can't figure out how to look at files on my Windows machine. I'm new to Mac networking, so I'm sure it's something simple that I've not thought of. But when I click on the Network icon in the finder, and then the Server's icon, my iBook is the only computer in the list. How do I find my Windows machine?

Can you give a little more detail to your network setup... As that way people would be able to assist you if your situation is better understood..
Make sure you are sharing the desired folder on your win2k system to the correct network (in case you have more than 1 nic installed in your pc). If you want to access the files in that folder press in the finder this key combination: apple+k
Now type in: smb://yourpcname
If you want to access the files on your mac open the System Preferences -> Sharing and mark Personal Filesharing and Windows Sharing.
Good luck!
mdmalin said:
How do I find my Windows machine?

Your Win should show up when you click Network, but it may take some time for it to show (be patient). You should not need to click Server. As mentioned, you need to share something on your Win--I suggest My Documents. Right click on my documents, and say yes to both sharing options. And, what Zammy says should work too.
Sorry I wasn't more specific. I have a cable modem attached to a linksys wireless router, which is then connected to my Win2K PC. I can use my iBook's Airport card to pick up the internet, but cannot see my Windows computer, and it cannot see my iBook. I have several shared folders on my Windows machine, but nothing shows up in my network window in the finder.
mdmalin said:
but cannot see my Windows computer, and it cannot see my iBook. I have several shared folders on my Windows machine, but nothing shows up in my network window in the finder.

Try adding a network place on your Win--use your iBook's IP address. On your iBook, activate Windows sharing. Turn off your firewalls on both machines, and turn on your router firewall instead.