FileVault question


After playing with 7B80 I am really only left with two concerns.

This being so close to GM, there are still quite a few Finder problems but, it's better the original Finder...Much better :).

The other is FileVault. From what I understand FileVault is pretty much an AES encrypted disk image. Which is setup in a manner to be mounted as your home directory when you login? Well with Fast User Switching there seems to be a problem with that. Being that only one person can access the disk image file I have found some problems...

Login as User1. Mount User2's FileVault home directory. Fast Switch to User2. It cannot mount the image because it is in use by User1. So it recreates the home directory file structure in /Users/User2. Now if I didn't notice this and just loaded up Word say and typed a document...Reboot the computer or unmount the image log out and back in as User to, it remounts the encrypted disk image and the file I saved is no longer there.

This is just one example but also if you are logged in as a user with FileVault any other user cannot mount your home directory image because of the same reason.

If I'm missing something please let me know.

\\\\ bootleg
Simple, don't store shared files in a home directory... store them in the /Users/Shared directory like you are supposed to. FileVault is supposed to lock the files away so only one user can use them. Sounds like it is working to me.
I believe Krevinek has a good point. You are really supposed to use the shared directory for sharing files between users. The disk image should be mounted in /Volumes though so you could probably access it that way.