I'm personally very excited about this. A few months ago I took the plunge and bought a 12" Powerbook. The machine has been excellent but I keep a windows desktop for one reason. To play Battlefield 1942 (and download other kinds of crap). The computer I have handles BF perfectly and it seriously is the best game I've ever played in my opinion.
The thing that makes BF great is not stock Battlefield. Stock gets very boring after a while. It is the mods that make BF1942 what it is. Forgotten Hope, Desert Combat, and others. Forgotten Hope being my favorite, turns BF into what it should be. Very realistic WWII game with tons of vehicles, maps, and weapons. Forgotten Hope makes BF worth owning alone. Then there is Desert Combat which is a great mod. It is the BF mods that make the game really playable, almost like HL.
It is good that this should be cross playable between PC and Mac players. BF has a strong PC community. If this runs good on my powerbook, I plan on selling my desktop computer. That's my only worry right now. BF takes quite a bit of power to run, at least on PC machines. For one thing 512mb of ram is really necessary in general. Gfx card wise I have a Ti4200 (128mb) in my Athlon XP 1800+ rig and the machine in general can run the game top specs @ 1024x768. I can see a good G4 desktop or G5 rig handling this with no problem. If the game is ported well, I'm really hoping it'll play well on a 867mhz PB, or something along those lines. I think GFX card maybe the greatest setback for some of us.
Either way BF is an excellent game and with R2R is even better. Battlefield Vietnam is really really buggy and is overall nothing supremely better than BF1942. I hate when people bitch about wanting BF:V and how they're getting 42. Well most people will not be able to run BF1942 let alone V which is a goddamn resource hog. BFV is a little bit prettier but in general is nothing to write home about. Until they crush the bugs and there is a really good mod it's not even worth the money for the PC version.