I need to find the IP adress of our Airport Extreme Base Station. We have a router who gives out Ip adresses (10.0.0.xx), and I don't know how to find the airport-adress
Thank's for answering!
My problem is that the base station isn't shown in the utility, and therefore I thought that a easy connection to the Base Station was to get it's IP adress
Under the TCP/IP tab (on the airport-connection) it just stands the IP of tis computer, not the Airport Base. I can find the Airport ID, but not the IP...
When this base station has an issue, all the lights flash at once. Learn how to reset the AirPort Extreme Base Station.
If you cannot connect to the base station with AirPort Admin Utility after a forced reload, connect to the base station with any Ethernet cable (crossover or patch type), and manually configure the client computer with this IP information:
IP address:
Subnet mask: