Finder & Desktop problem -- both jumping/disappearing



Emac G4 1g memory 10.4.10.

Over a month now both Finder and ALL Desktop icons disappear momentarily and back again - about once a minute. I dont know what causes it nor how to fix, but it affects my work, ie, in the process of doing something it does its trick which prevents me from my work for a brief period. Very very annoying!

I opened a New Account which was OK and then this also became erratic.

Any advice/guidance to correct the problem? Much appreciated.


some sort of haxie, I'd suspect. Finder and desktop, btw., same application, not separate.

Have you installed anything by unsanity on APE?
I've had that before and found to be be corrupted files on the desktop.

The fix was to get hold of path finder and launching that and removing items off the desktop.

I hope that can resolve your issue too
First, what you've got are Finder crashes. Look in the user Library/Preferences for com.Apple.Finder, delete it and restart.

Then check in if you still have the problem. Do you have a maintenance routine? MainMenu is a good one, though all of it doesn't need to be run everyday.

Never hurts to repair permissions and verify preferences, with any app.

For a stubborn problem, I'd do a Deep Clean of caches, with MainMenu or another maintenance app and Restart.