finder dissapeared?


i ran yasu on my computer to clear cache files and log files on my computer because in another forum they said that will fix the problem of my G4 not shutting down... it didn't fix that problem and it created a new one:

finder is gone.

the logo is still in the dock, but i can'y access it... my whole desktop is empty, and i cant get a finder window open.. all my files are accessable through recent items, open file, ect... but i can't use the finder.. there is no menu on top of the screen... the date and sherlock are there otherwise its blank till i open a program

also, i don't have the system software on my cause i'm at college and we had a family pack
Hm. Worst case would be the Finder's _actually_ gone... (i.e. the is deleted). You should boot into single-user mode and cd to /System/Library/CoreServices/ ... If it's there, the cd command works. If not, not.

(Booting into single-user mode is done by holding down Cmd-s at boot-time. You then type "cd /System/Library/CoreServices/" without the quotes and hit enter to change the directory path to the one mentioned. If that returns an error,'s not there...)