finder language always swich



there are some folders in osx : documents, application etc
is it possible to fix the language.
i'm a german user so sometimes the folder are shown in english next time in german . and later again english....

i've heard the osx is clever an display these folders in the right language.
but they are named always in english.

so the documents folder must be "dokumente"
and the applications folder must be "Programme"

how can i solve that problem
You can switch the language of the whole computer, but I don't think you can change just a few folders unless you name them yourself. Folders named as a different script, i.e. non-Roman script should display in their native fonts.

The language settings are user based meaning each user can have their own language settings. You can set it in the System Preferences under International.

Add your prefered language to the top of the list and then log out and back in to have the Finder display in your language of choice.
Nono, the problem is that if you DO set the language to German, still the Finder in some cases 'forgets' about it, as the _real_ names of those folders actually _are_ in English. Happens, I think, depending on how you move your ways through the system. And, of course, also in some applications, if you open/save.

You can't do anything about it, basically. I've thrown away the Finder's prefs file a few times to get rid of the problem, but it's too much of a drag (pun not intended). Just get used to it. Maybe Apple will fix this in 10.4.
hi fryke

maybe in 10.4, but the problem exists since osx 10.1
but i hevent understand what you have written about the finder prefs.
is there any trick to fix the language in the finder.
now its permanent english ... the rest of the system is in german
I'm going to do this in German now. ;-)

Soweit ich Dich verstehe ist im Finder alles noch auf Deutsch bis auf die Namen 'Applications', 'Utilities' und so weiter? Also: Die Menünamen sind ganz normal auf Deutsch. Wenn Du die Finder-Voreinstellungen ( im 'Library' Ordner Deines Heimordners) löschst oder umbenennst (damit Du ein Backup hast), gehen alle Voreinstellungen des Finders verloren. Das wird vorübergehend Dein Problem lösen.

Jedoch: Wie Du selber sagst, das Problem existiert seit 10.1 - und wird auch nach dem Löschen der Voreinstellungen irgendwann wieder auftauchen.

ok hab verstanden . Merci.
ja das kenn ich das hab ich schon 10.2.8 probiert. hatt auch geklappt nur man darf halt dann wieder alles einstellen.
und das man das file iregendwie locked oder die rechte ändert???!?
wär ne möglichkeit. allerdings tauchen dann natürlich andere probleme auf. wie zum beispiel, dass fenster ständig änderungen vergessen (grösse, position, anzeigeoptionen)... ich empfehle tatsächlich, einfach zu akzeptieren, dass das zeug manchmal englisch, manchmal deutsch ist... ist übel, aber man gewöhnt sich dran.
bobw probably just babelfished his last phrase into german. I'm surprised that 'wow' was translated to 'wimmern' though... however: new_roti - there _ISN'T_ a solution right now. only to accept.