Finder (not responding)


I have a G4, MACOSX, 1.7G memory, 18G HD space, 4 User Accounts.
I have one User Account that the Finder will not load the Desktop.
I have tried deleting the finder.plist file, no help.
Even tried using the Terminal and renamed the Preference Folder, no help.
Are there any suggestions please, other than taking it to a repair place?
Thank you for your time,
A repair place won't make sense, since your finder works fine with the remaining accounts. It seems to be an account-specific problem. Did you repair disk permissions? Did you setup a new useraccount and move the files?
I did repair permissions.
Moving an entire set of files from one account to another is easier done,
1.) at Terminal level or
2.) at Admin level?
Reason I ask, changing all the permissions to get to the files on the account I am taking them from is very time consuming.
Also, all the *.plist files will have the users account they came from, not the one they are being moved to, so how do I correct that problem?
Thank you for your time,
Thanks. I have spent a lot of time creating a new user account and moving things over.
All is working for now.
Again, Thanks,
Obtain a copy of Cocktail. Use it to clean out all of the caches on the system and it should bring back your user accounts without having to move them. I have run into this at one time or another on all of the G5's that I manage.