Fink is Finking me off!


Here's the gist. I have Fink 0.31, macosx 10.1.2, and December's Developers Tools installed. In which I thought was needed to accomplish anything.

I can't seem to be able to install anything.

In the terminal mode, in the Fink app, the + and - (for adding and deleting) doesn't seem to do anything. All it does is move the page forward/ backwards. . not quite sure.

Even when I selected (with +), I would go ahead and hit 'install' and they would say that there was "nothing to install". I do know that I didn't install any of those apps. Soo apparently it's not working or I'm missing something vital.

You appear to be using dselect. I honestly don't know much about it, but I believe it downloads the precompiled versions of the programs, as opposed to compiling them on your computer (honestly, I don't know, I've never tried it). They recently accidently erased all of the precompiles, so that might be the problem.

Another suggestion would be to use the commands fink list and fink install foo to install programs. fink list tells you what programs you can install, and typing fink install the program installs whatever you want to install. This takes longer due to compiling it, but cuts out the middleman. The binary distribution is a lot smaller than the number of programs Fink offers, due to the shear amount of effort it takes to set up the distribution.

Anyway, hope that helps...
I just don't get fink or dselect. For example, I KNOW I installed dia with fink install dia, but after doing a fink list, dia is listed without an "i." I know I have curl installed and the same thing. Just where do fink and/or dselect get the information on what is installed or not? Is there any way to "set them straight" on what I have installed?
I went ahead with the "fink list"
and then it gave me all the list. In which of course, I had to download x86free base (by typing fink install x86free base (not exact. .but it's in the fink list. . ) before any of those programs could've even work.

Now I'm doing gimp. Geez. . it has been running for 4 hours already. (compiling).

What's the avg time for compiling the Gimp?


4 hours sounds about right...

on a Mac Classic II! ;)

No really, I think mine took about a 15 minutes on my G4 450. Why yours is taking so long, I have no idea, I'm pretty wet behind the ears with this whole *nix thing - I just couldn't resist the Mac Classic line. Sorry for wasting your time and I hope you are not offended by my stupid sense of humor.:D
I'm compiling it from ground up. . .you got the binary version, so basically yours was already "pre-compiled". . mine wasn't. So I have to go through all the drama just to get that friggin thing on my computer.

Man. . where the heck are the "pre-compiled" crapolas. Isn't there a website with all pre-compiled stuff so I wouldn't have to go through all this?

Schehan :confused:
Finally stopped compiling. . after so many hours.

Now what? do I go to command line and type gimp? or do I just use the AQUA interface and go into the sw folder - share folder -gimp folder and click on whatever? There's one icon that says "user_install" am I supposed to even touch that? Should I leave that alone? Ah FINK IT . .I'm going to click on it.

BLAASMHOOOEY . . that's the sound I'm hoping to avoid.

You know what? I do know that my gimp was complied from source, but it was about two months ago, and now that I think about it, it might have been close to an hour or even more, but not 4 hours. Any way, it worked for you and that is good news.

One of the friendly, and far more knowledgeable, macosx guys walked me through all of this. Hopefully one of them will see this post, but let me try to be of assistance. If I say anything that you already know or have done, please don't take offense. Communicating by forums is always more difficult than if we were talking in person, on the phone...


Now what? do I go to command line and type gimp? or do I just use the AQUA interface and go into the sw folder - share folder -gimp folder and click on whatever?

That will not work. You can only run gimp from XWindows. Have you been able to run Xwindows? Have you installed XFree86?

Again, please forgive me if I am wrong, but your message seems to suggest you have not yet run XWindows on OS X. In order to do this, you will need XDarwin 1.06, the application that will let OS X run the XWindows server on your machine.

Do you have XDarwin? If not, go to download "XDarwin1.0.6.1.tgz for Mac OS X 10.1." then follow the install instructions. If you save the file to your desktop, all you need to do is this:

Open a terminal

cd /
sudo gnutar zxvf ~/Desktop/XDarwin1.0.6.1.tgz

XDarwin will look for some version of XFree86 (the XWindows server) which also has to be compiled and installed. Have you done this? I'm really not sure you could complile gimp without having Xfree installed (???), so give this a shot.

Click on your XDarwin application icon (the installer will put this in your application folder). Try rootless or full screen (and don't forget the keyboard command to switch back to OS X from XDarwin full screen). If all is well, you will be presented with a couple of hideous white and green terminal screens. They are ugly, yet beautiful because seeing them means you were successful! IN one of these ugle terminals type gimp and there you are!

If this (XDarwin) doesn't work, here is my best shot at telling you how to install xfree86. You can do this via fink or from source. I am a little out of my league here, but I was successful in using dselect to install xfree. Type:

sudo dselect

then in the "select" screen of dselect, arrow down to the xfree stuff, find xfree86... choose it and see what other packages it needs- then run it. Big area of ignorance for me here - whether to choose rootless or not - rootless lets you run X sort of "with OS X" meaning you will see all your XWindows stuff righ along with your Aqua stuff - full screen actually launches a whole new screen that you can switch back and forth with CMD-Option A. XDarwin lets me chooose either rootless or full screen BUT I just don't remember what I picked when I originally installed Xfree (someone please help us here!).

Any way, those ugly terminal screens are determined by the default window manager called fvwm. If you want a prettier wndow manager (believe me you do), you will need to install one. WindowMaker is a nice one and you can probably use dselect or fink to install that. You might just try "sudo fink install windowmaker" from your OS X terminal and see what happens. You can also try the same thing with blackbox, icewm - one of them has to work, if not all. Type "rehash" after it is done. However, like someone said, fink had some file problems recently, but who knows.

Okay, assuming the install went okay, in order for you to run one of these window managers, you need to have a .xinitrc file in your home directory. Type:

cd ~/
ls -a
and see if there is a file named ".xinitrc"

I'm guessing "sudo fink install windowmaker" doesn't create this for you, so here is mine just in case.

# Window Maker default X session startup script


# If you login from xdm, uncomment this to make error messages appear
# in the console window.
# tail -f /Users/dean/.xsession-errors > /dev/console &

#exec oroborus
#exec enlightenment
exec wmaker
#exec blackbox
#exec icewm
#exec fvwm
#exec pwm

You can make it in pico or some text editor (even TexEdit I suppose), save it as ".xinitrc" to your home directory:

Any line with a "#" in front of it is commented out - ignored. You don't need any of this in your own .xinitrc file. The line "exec wmaker" is telling my system to run windowmaker. If I edit .xinitrc, and comment out this line with a #, then uncomment "#exec blackbox" to "exec blackbox" (for example), it will run blackbox the next time I run XDarwin - BUT only if I have it installed via fink, source... If you just want to run windowmaker all you need in your .xinitrc file is this:

exec wmaker

Or, replace "wmaker" with the name of whatever window manager you want to use/ have installed.

Okay, now go back and launch XDarwin, choose rootless or full screen (maybe either will work for you?) and bam, you will have a much prettier XWindows environment. Learn your way around the window manager - left and right clicks do different things...

Now (finally!), if you want to run gimp you can open a terminal (in your XWindows environment - not the OS X terminal), type gimp, hit enter and there it is. Also, Windowmaker has an application menu that includes gimp (under graphics) and that should work too (it also includes many other applications, but if they are not installed they will not run - kind of a disappointment).

So basically, in semi-knowledgeable and extreme laymans terms, this is how it all works:

XDarwin allows your machine to run XWindows from OS X
XFree86 is the XWidows server - meaning it allows for a GUI to exist on Unix
The window manger determines how that GUI will look and feel

Once again, please don't flame me if you know all or even 1/10th of this - I just wasn't sure, so I wrote everything I could think of to help. The XFree install would be the most difficult thing here - once that is taken care of you are home free. I'm guessing it is already there because I'm guessing gimp needed it to compile and maybe that is why it took so long? Good luck!
Duh, after all that typing I saw your one post where you said you installed xfree86! Oh well, maybe someone will benefit from my babbling...
Check out: it was very helpful for me... I recommend to install everything from source, it's slower but downloads are usually shorter and the whole process is far easier. Somehow, apt-get has never worked for me.

On the other hand, there seems to be a new version of fink... I setup fink to use CVS and when I did 'fink selfupdate' it recompiled everything but it did not seem to be the latest version. Does anybody know how to disable using CVS? It is not on /sw/etc/fink.conf ...

I dunno why. .but when I downloaded the X-Darwin and ran the commands like you typed, it installed it no problem. However when I tried to launch it from the User-App-Sw-XDarwin Folder, it would boot for like a few seconds and then just disappear.

I assumed I installed x86. I could be wrong. How can I check whether I have it installed or not? I have X11. I believe, and I hit everything I saw in the fink (sudo dselect). and downloaded like 150 MB worth of stuff, Dunno what they all were, but I guess they're relevant somehow.

However, I don't think x86 was even included. Why? Cuz XDarwin isn't working.

How can I check? I even went to the ftp site that you recommended to download the x86 the 4.1 version. at
I even read the FAQ, and it said to download it? Download it via terminal or via Aqua? It wasn't clear, it just said just to run the xinstall.bin command in terminal. I went ahead and did that, but it said "command not found". . so I'm assuming I have to download the x86 first before running that command?

Appreciated your help so far!
Okay, I am 95% sure that XDarwin is not starting because your XFree86 is not installed and/or configured correctly. Like I said, I'm a little over my head here in installing XFree86 - I had a lot of help and I'm too chicken to mess with my own set up that is working just fine.

Download it via terminal or via Aqua? It wasn't clear, it just said just to run the xinstall.bin command in terminal. I went ahead and did that, but it said "command not found".

You can just download it from your browser like anything else. Stuffit might mess with the file and if it does, just throw out whatever it unstuffs - you won't be able to use that.

In order to run xinstall.bin, you have to be in the terminal AND in the same directory as xinstall.bin. I would say move it to your /sw/src directory, then in the terminal get to /sw/src ( cd /sw/src ) and then try the command xinstall.bin

Boy, I wish one of those macosx Unix gurus would check this thread! Good luck.
Okay. I went ahead with your suggestions. . and downloaded the Xinstall.bin and Apparently I can't download directly to the sw/src directory, so I just left it on the desktop. I even disabled the Stuffit.

So I just went to terminal. . typed cd Desktop/Xinstall.bin

Command not found.

Okay, so I downloaded

terminal - cd Desktop/

Command not found.

Nothing works. mmmm. . I wish there was an easy descriptive FAQ on how to install those things. All of them are mumbo jumbo. That's why I'm hoping that when I have all this figured out. I would be able to write a comphrensive FAQ for the next newbies that walk along my way.

I can't seem to be able to install anything.

In the terminal mode, in the Fink app, the + and - (for adding and deleting) doesn't seem to do anything. All it does is move the page forward/ backwards. . not quite sure.

you didn't start dselect as root

try sudo dselect

One reason folks are having problems is that there are two "versions" of XFree86 (XDarwin) available. The GNU-Darwin folks have one that installs with a "normal" OS X installer. And then there's the Fink version. BUT they install XFree86 in different directories. Fink puts everything in /sw, while the GNU-Darwin version puts stuff in the "traditional" UNIX directories. So if you install the GNU-Darwin version and then try to install software with Fink, it ain't gonna fly.
Try using the plain old graphical finder to move the file from the Desktop to some directory - maybe your home directory. Then open the terminal, navigate to whatever that directory is, then simply type the name of the script "" - you may need to type "sudo"

If you wanted to use the terminal to move this file you could type

mv ~/Desktop/filename ~/filename
to move it to your home directory

mv ~/Desktop/filename ~/sw/src/filename

Or replace "mv" with "cp"

mv moves the file while cp copies it leaving the original in place.

I'm sorry I can't be more help. I am also kind of green - I'm assuming is the install script and that it doesn't need to be in any specific place when you run it, but I may be wrong - so /sw/src seems a safe bet. I'm also somewhat sure it would be a good idea to move whatever other files you downloaded for this install to the same directory, but it may be that the install script will go get all the files you need via ftp/curl... and put them where they belong.

I tell you, once you get this running, it will be worth it. You will look back and be amazed at how much you have learned.
Originally posted by genghiscohen
One reason folks are having problems is that there are two "versions" of XFree86 (XDarwin) available. The GNU-Darwin folks have one that installs with a "normal" OS X installer. And then there's the Fink version. BUT they install XFree86 in different directories. Fink puts everything in /sw, while the GNU-Darwin version puts stuff in the "traditional" UNIX directories. So if you install the GNU-Darwin version and then try to install software with Fink, it ain't gonna fly.

That's not actually true. Fink installs most things inside /sw, or where ever you tell it put your sw folder. However, things such as XFree86 are installed in the standard /usr/X11R6 folder, and is installed in /Applications, since XFree86 pretty much requires that it get's put there.
Well, I first installed the GNU-Darwin version of XFree86 & XDarwin, along with OroborOSX as windowmanager. I then installed Fink and used apt-get to download and attempt to install the GIMP. But Fink told me that I did not have a functioning installation of XFree86, even though I could launch and run it (via the GNU-Darwin install) just fine.
Oh well, learning new stuff all the time...