Firefox lag?

Dark Dexter

Ok, sometimes for no reason while I'm using firefox on my iBook (1.33Ghz 1.25Gb's or RAM) I get the beachball of death and it will lag there for a few moments. Its totally random, sometimes when I'm scrollng, typing, or anything. I cant use safari or camino cause Firefox has some plugins I use ALOT. So any ideas?
Are you running the latest version? It's

Also, make sure that you update any extensions you have installed. It's as easy as going to to Tools-->Extensions.
Ok, I already have the newest versions of everything... It still randomly jams the CPU to 100%, will take its RAM usage to 1GB, or freeze for a few moments with no indicaton. The most frequent is freezing with no indication. Activity monitor dosent show a change in CPU usage or RAM usage. It dosen't do this in Safari so I'm thinking maybe a RAM leak in the new version? I've used firefox on Linux machines with ALOT less resources than then with less problems. Any other ideas?

Well, there have been reports of memory leaks with Firefox, and while some of the issues have been resolved, it's still not compelete. I believe this will be tackled with in the upcoming 2.0 release.
What kinds of sites are you viewing when this occurs? Do they perhaps have a Java applet or a Flash animation on them that would necessitate loading an external module or plug-in?
The sites it occurs on are pretty random... but then again you might see a correlation.
Linux Distro List, very few ads but still freezes momentarily occasionally
Stupid joke site thing, lags on some that use background animaitons
Lags mostly when I am typing comments or scrolling down pages

Sometimes it lags on text documents I am scrolling through like on mailing lists and such. Most of the time its happens I'm either scrollling or typing. Any other thoughts?
Well, I can tell you that it happens to me with myspace as well. Craptastically designed pages set to only work on IE are the main problem. Sometimes I regret having joined there... :rolleyes:
nixgeek said:
Well, I can tell you that it happens to me with myspace as well. Craptastically designed pages set to only work on IE are the main problem. Sometimes I regret having joined there... :rolleyes:
Could it be that the MySpace pages are loading evil onto your Mac? :)
dmetzcher said:
Could it be that the MySpace pages are loading evil onto your Mac? :)

Possibly, but it also affects my Linux computers so maybe it's just all non-MS systems. :p