Firefox Should Have a Warning Label


Mac Convert for Life
And the label should say: "Warning: Highly Addictive!" :D

Anyone else in love with Firefox? I started using it a while back but became aware of all the extensions, add-ons, themes, etc. only recently. Wow! I'm utterly amazed. I had no idea that a browser could do all that. I've downloaded probably 10 different themes and extensions in a matter of days. With all the different themes, it's like exploring a whole new world each time you browse the 'Net.

Firefox developers, I hope you're reading this. Keep up the awesome work!
Even though I love Camino, I find myself using Firefox more and more. I love the extensions but I also use it because it's what I use on every other platform. Plus, it's very consistent, partly why it's not very Mac-ish unfortunately. But personally, I think its consistency is what wins me over.
I use Camino as well. But Firefox is definitely my prefered browser of choice. It's not very Mac-ish by default ... oh, but with the themes and extensions you can *make* it Mac-ish. :D
Amie said:
I use Camino as well. But Firefox is definitely my prefered browser of choice. It's not very Mac-ish by default ... oh, but with the themes and extensions you can *make* it Mac-ish. :D
What themes are you using?

I love Firefox's flexibility, but it's poor scrolling performance (especially via the keyboard) and hackish interface keep me using Safari (with PithHelmet, of course).
For me, the performance isn't that bad to keep me away from it. Then again, I'm running it on an iMac G5. But even still I use it on and G3 iMac at work and it's not that bad. Of course, Firefox does tend to be a memory hog so the 256 MB of RAM on that G3 iMac tends to push its boundaries. :D
I have a rather old computer, and I have found that Safari is faster, so I generally stay away from firefox (except when Safari dosent work on a page - Firefox always works). It's great on windows or linux, though.
Actually, I've noticed it also be a memory hog in Windows and Linux. I'm hoping that 2.0 will remove the memory issues.
Well, in Windows, Firefox is a much better option than IE.. no matter what resources it uses. If you really want a fast browser, try lynx or elinks. I'm using lynx (on linux) right now, it's fast. Then again, it's text based, but for forums, you don't really need images..
Yes, I've noticed that on most older Macs, Safari runs faster than Firefox. However, rendering Web pages accurately is a whole other issue. ;)

As far as Firefox themes go, I currently have Noia 2 (eXtreme) and SphereGhome 1.5, which are two of my favorites (I just love the colors and graphics and the cute little things that the tool bar icons do when you mouse over them); Aluminum Kai, which is very cool (sort of underwater-like); BlackJapan, which I'm not too impressed with; Red Cats (blue flavor), which I haven't used yet; BlueShift (haven't used it yet); and Kids Scribbles (I don't care if it says it's a kids' theme--it ROCKS).

I also have Metal Lion, which I probably WOULD like ... if I could understand Mr. Lion's instructions on how to change the options and use the chrome scroll bars instead of the green. I've downloaded the Edit Config Files extension, but I have no idea what to do with it. His instructions are made for friggin' computer programmers! How am I supposed to know what all that crap means??? LOL So, if anyone cares to take a shot at helping me, please feel free...
I use Firefox on the PC (on the odd occasion that I use the PC for internet browsing), but IMHO, nothing beats Safari on the Mac. I can't give you any techy reasons, it's just personal preference.
eric2006 said:
Well, in Windows, Firefox is a much better option than IE.. no matter what resources it uses. If you really want a fast browser, try lynx or elinks. I'm using lynx (on linux) right now, it's fast. Then again, it's text based, but for forums, you don't really need images..

Well, I think that goes without saying when it comes to IE on Windows. LOL

But yes, Lynx/Links/eLinks is definitely faster than anything out there...even Safari...if you don't mind the lack of media... :p
Amie said:
As far as Firefox themes go, I currently have Noia 2 (eXtreme) and SphereGhome 1.5, which are two of my favorites (I just love the colors and graphics and the cute little things that the tool bar icons do when you mouse over them); Aluminum Kai, which is very cool (sort of underwater-like); BlackJapan, which I'm not too impressed with; Red Cats (blue flavor), which I haven't used yet; BlueShift (haven't used it yet); and Kids Scribbles (I don't care if it says it's a kids' theme--it ROCKS).

Wow. You've just listed pretty much every one of the Firefox themes that I absolutely hate. I prefer my browser minimilast, with no buttons, no effects, and a neutral colour scheme. Each to their own I guess.

For me, Firefox wins out 70% of the time. Safari still beats it for RSS feeds, and for its privacy features. Firefox has far superior ad blocking, quick-searches, and a lot of other useful plugins. Both have earned a place on my Dock.
I don't know. I actually like the buttons on FF as well as those on Camino. It's definitely much better than any theme or button available in Mozilla/Seamonkey. :rolleyes:
Lt Major Burns said:
firefox doesn't have PithHelmet. firefox does have horrible buttons.

Firefox has the FREE AdBlock plugin, which is far superior to PithHelmet. I found PithHelmet a little unstable for my tastes. AdBlock works well because you can add in new filters on the fly, very quickly, with wildcards.

As for the buttons, Firefox has themes. The default theme is about as dull as anything can be, but some are quite smart and elegant.
symphonix said:
Firefox has the FREE AdBlock plugin, which is far superior to PithHelmet. I found PithHelmet a little unstable for my tastes. AdBlock works well because you can add in new filters on the fly, very quickly, with wildcards.
PithHelmet can use wildcards, too, just like Adblock. It does everything Adblock does and lots more. It's not just a filtering tool. But if you really like Adblock (it is easier to use), try SafariBlock. It's like a stripped-down version of PithHelmet that mimics Adblock pretty closely.
i like pithhelmet because i installed it and i've not seen an advert since. or even been told that there was any. or was even aware that there was a space for adverts on the internet (pithhelmet resizes the page to erase the blank space the advert would have taken up). money well spent.
CaptainQuark said:
I use Firefox on the PC (on the odd occasion that I use the PC for internet browsing), but IMHO, nothing beats Safari on the Mac. I can't give you any techy reasons, it's just personal preference.
Firefox runs faster on my Mac, and it renders Web pages that Safari can't.
symphonix said:
Wow. You've just listed pretty much every one of the Firefox themes that I absolutely hate. I prefer my browser minimilast, with no buttons, no effects, and a neutral colour scheme. Each to their own I guess.

For me, Firefox wins out 70% of the time. Safari still beats it for RSS feeds, and for its privacy features. Firefox has far superior ad blocking, quick-searches, and a lot of other useful plugins. Both have earned a place on my Dock.
Yeah, I hate those really lame, plain buttons. Which is why I chose those themes. Add some fun and color to your life! :D

I have both Firefox and Safari on my Dock, too. Right next to each other, in fact.