Amie said:
2) I want to use the crash/restore feature of Tab Mix Plus, and I have the boxes checked, but what do all those other options mean, such as Exit/Start? I don't see the word "crash" or anything like that that gives you the option of restoring all tabs/windows if the browser crashes. It's worded weirdly...
Just check the "Enable Crash Recover" box. Everything else is for managing tab sets under normal circumstances, like quitting Firefox normally. I have mine set to "Don't Restore" and "Don't Save" on launch/exit, so that it only remembers my tabs when it crashes.
Here's a tip: You can easily simulate a crash by forcing Firefox to quit ("Force Quit" under the Apple menu, or control-click on Firefox's Dock icon and press Option when you see the menu).
Lt Major Burns said:
i'm noticing this more and more. i long for a cocoa set of pro apps. i'm sick of these cross platform, hacked tacky and ugly applications that we pay through the nose for. yes they're good, but they aren't cocoa. they';re not as powerful ,as they should be. they're ported windows apps.
I actually blame Apple for this, not developers. Apple can't expect everyone to move to Cocoa. In fact, they didn't. That's why they made Carbon. But they've let Carbon rust and rot, and have not brought it up to par with Cocoa. They're perfectly happy to treat Carbon programmers as second-class citizens.
Cocoa is simply not practical in many cases cross-platform programs being one. Carbon is a vital part of OS X. There's no reason Apple couldn't integrate things like automatic spell checking into Carbon. But they don't. They leave a wide gap between Carbon and Cocoa in terms of both technology and behavior.
I suppose you could say that this is part of a much larger issue that's been plaguing OS X since day 1: Apple no longer seems to care about
consistency. (Yes, I will harp about consistency until the day I die! And I'll do it consistently.

look at maya. that's hideous.
Yeah, me one 3D app in the history of computing that
wasn't hideous. Ray Dream came close, but even that hardly blended with the OS. It's really, really hard to make a good interface for a 3D program. They all suck, on all platforms.