

Hope someone can help me.
I have an iMac OS9.2 using Internet Explorer 5.1 for mac. Recently I've been unable to access some sites I really need and I think it's because they've been updated using Firewall.
I can't buy a newer mac at the moment so is it possible to install Firewall on my existing computer or a similar product to achieve to same end result ? I'm not very computer savvy so don't be too technical please.
Thanks, hope someone can help.
A "Firewall" isn't a "connectivity" program, so-to-speak. Basically, a Firewall simply closes certain ports on a server, preventing connections. For example, HTTP, which is what you use to access web pages, operates on port 80. FTP, the file-transfer protocol, operates on port 21. With a firewall, you can effectively block people from connecting on certain ports, so you can disallow FTP access, for example, by closing port 21.

The short answer is that installing a firewall on your machine isn't going to let you magically access sites you can't access normally. In addition, the sites in question wouldn't update their firewall and prevent people from connecting to them -- that would be counter-intuitive, kinda like opening a supermarket and refusing to let anyone through the front door to buy groceries.

Which sites, specifically, can't you access? If you can tell us that, in addition to describing your internet access setup (DSL? Cable modem? Dial-up?), we can better diagnose the problem.
Thanks for your reply.
Basically, the two sites I can't access are:
1. NRMA - which tells me: The browser you are using cannot access our website ( I used to be able to until recently) also that I need:
Microsoft Internet Explorer (6+) and Mozilla/Mosilla Firefox (versions 1.4+/o.8+) and Opera (versions 7.5+)
They say they are making changes, I can't even log on.
The other site is:
2. ING Direct - With this one I can log on and access anything on the site EXCEPT Transact, which is the reason for using it. ING site tells me I need Personal Firewall and to update anti virus software.
Hope this can help you find an answer for me.
Thanks, Primula
As for NRMA, it sounds like they're using some Internet Explorer-specific coding, which isn't compatible with much on the Mac side of things.

Unfortunately, you're using an older operating system and a very old browser (Internet Explorer isn't even made for Mac anymore) that is not "IE6"-compliant. Under Mac OS X with Safari or other browsers, it's possible to change your "user agent" in your browser, which would effectively make Safari, for example, report itself to the website as Internet Explorer 6 -- basically "tricking" the website into thinking that you're using IE6.

I don't see how ING Direct can suggest installing Personal Firewall, since that isn't going to suddenly allow you to make a connection you can't normally make. Again, firewalls are for limiting connectivity, not enhancing it, and installing a firewall isn't going to let you access that website if you can't already access it without a firewall. Same for anti-virus software -- that should not have any bearing on hindering or enabling you to access certain websites.

I don't know what to suggest, other than using a Windows computer to access these sites. It seems those sites have been updated to use some new technology that is Internet Explorer 6- or Windows-specific, and under Mac OS X, you can do the "trick the website into thinking I'm using Windows", but under OS 9, I'm at a loss as to what to suggest.

Hopefully someone else here can help out or has run into this situation before... I apologize for the lack of help I can offer!
Thanks again, unfortunately I'm used to the mac as I used to work in advertising until 2000 when I bought my current iMac new at the time.
Can you tell me if Quark Express is still being used on the newer macs or is that "defunct" as well. I have Quark, Photoshop and Illustrator installed, are these programmes still available today?
Thanks, Primula
Quark Xpress is currently at version 6.5 on OS X. They are public testing version 7 right now.

As for all the Adobe stuff.... they have dramatically improved these programs for OS X. The latest Adobe product available is Creative Suite 2, which contains PhotoShop, Illustrator, GoLive, and InDesign. InDesign, by the way, is Adobe's new alternative to Quark that is fast overtaking Quark in usage.

If you want a familiar interface, you'll be happy with Quark. They haven't really changed anything since version 4, just added a few bells and whistles here and there.

Early on in OS X's life, there were a lot of designers who got bit by early flaws in the software, and lost entire drives. As a result, i still know several studios that run OS 9. But trust that Apple has done their homework, and OS X is stable, functional, and a blessing to productivity no matter who you are.
Thanks for updating me with the programmes, I have friends who have PCs with Windows and nothing they have has the versitility of Quark. Next year when I buy a new mac I'll be looking forward to investigating the programmes you mentioned. Again, thanks so much for your help.