Firewire appears as a network port


Anyone else noticed this? You have to create the port manually, and I haven't tried it physically yet, but it's there. :cool:
Well, you can use Firewire as a network connection (Firewire Disk Mode, etc.), so why not?
Yeah, I've been using the Technology Preview ever since it was released. Just pleased to see it built into Panther.

Did everyone already know this, and I'm just stating the obvious again.......:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Captain Code
I think you could do that in Jaguar. Called IP over Firewire or something.
It was a shaky beta for ages - you could get it from the Apple dev site. They've finished it at last, looks very interesting...
Dude! You kidding me? Now I won't even have to reboot in firewire target disk mode for super-speedy transfers? YAY!
Originally posted by burntoutjoy
It was a shaky beta for ages - you could get it from the Apple dev site. They've finished it at last, looks very interesting...

That's what I was trying to say, but failed miserably ::sleepy::