First Illus, Quark, Pshop versions for OS X?


I want to buy old, cheep (familiar) software to run under 10.5.8 on a PPC Mac Mini, and it is hard for me to find out for sure what are the earliest versions of Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop which will do this.

I think Quark 6, Photoshop 7, Illustrator 7 were the first versions that were OS X native. I don't want to run Classic which has to be 10.4.x anymore.

Anyone know if those exact versions (and maybe for InDesign, too,) would be compatible with 10.5.8 on a PPC Mini? Or what the earliest versions of each are that would?

For best compatibility with Adobe Creative Suite you should at least get CS (the first one) If you share files at all with other users this will be important.

As for Quark I'm pretty sure you should use Quark 7 or 8 since 10.5.8 is pretty advanced for the relic that is Quark 6.

Since you're not in the first OS X that was released I recommend you don't use older software made for that because much has changed since.