Originally posted by mindbend
If MDLarson was talking about me, yes indeed, I busted a hole in my wall and put the G4 in the opposite room.
It's a bit drastic for most people, but depending on your house or office layout is really easy and not as silly as it might sound.
You want a quiet computer, by gosh you'll get one. Dead quiet. It's such a joy. I do music stuff, so it's really irritating to me to hear the slightest external noise. Even that aside, the original mirrored window G4s were INSANELY loud! And then one day when the overdrive fan kicked in I could not believe what I was hearing. I honestly thought our washer-dryer had broken or something. It was like a jet engine.
I've also got an old Power Tower Pro, which was rather noisy as well. I removed all the fans including the one on the power supply. I figure if it dies, who cares, I just have it for a couple of old projects that won't work in Classic or on newer machines. Very quiet machine except for the old SCSI drives (anyone remember SCSI?).
I even replaced the hard drive in my iMac 450 becasue it was too loud. And that's an iMac! Those things are quiet. The Seagates sem to be the quietest drives I can find. Crazy quiet.
In short, I hate computer noise. You should too. I will be sorely disappointed if the next towers aren't as quiet as they should be.