Fixing postfix on 10.2


When I intalled MacOS 10.2 postfix (fink version) stopped working. After flailing around a bit, I got it going again. In hindsight, here's what I think needed to be done:

(1) postfix's groups (and maybe also users) needed to be recreated. (See for how to do this.)

(2) The "daemonic-postfix" start-up item in /Library/StartupItems/ appeared to be broken by 10.2. I replaced it with a modified version of the Sendmail StartupItem, which I have appended below.

If anyone else is having problems with postfix, I hope this helps.

(Note: vbulletin has killed all indentation in the following file.)



# KW: modified version of sendmail startup thing

. /etc/rc.common

StartService ()
if [ "${MAILSERVER:=-NO-}" = "-YES-" ]; then
ConsoleMessage "Starting postfix"
/sw/sbin/postfix start

StopService ()
ConsoleMessage "Stopping postfix"
/sw/sbin/postfix stop

RestartService ()
# KW: should check whether postfix is already running, and do regular start if not
ConsoleMessage "Reloading postfix"
/sw/sbin/postfix stop

RunService "$1"