Flagship Stores.

Why oh why can't apple give us a store in Toronto! I hope we are the first international location. Just one little store please :).
Originally posted by googolplex
Why oh why can't apple give us a store in Toronto! I hope we are the first international location. Just one little store please :).
You guys are lucky that you even háve stores... I think the nearest store from my home would be...? 1200 km?
Well, maybe if the stores are a succes, they'll build some here in europe.. :)
they are building one in the mall in roosevelt field, NY for those
who know the area.. its like 10 min from where i live... i cant wait
Originally posted by googolplex
Why oh why can't apple give us a store in Toronto! I hope we are the first international location. Just one little store please :).

Actually the first international location is Tokyo, Japan
oh also I am very lucky :) :) :)

There is an Apple Store opening about 20 minutes from me in (found at Apple.com and confirmed by Apple Store employee)
The Westchester
White Plains, NY

and I already have one 45 minutes away from me at
The Palisades Mall
West Nyak, NY

:D :D :D
Tokyo? You know that? How?

Comon we're just North of the states. Oh yeah I forgot Americans don't even know we exist :). That or they think we can't use computers in our igloos.
I remember reading a post about someone that found Jobs at Apples website for an Apple Store in Tokyo.

Edited because it didn't make sense. :(
Does anyone know when the Chicago downtown store is going in? I really would like to be a genius there.
Originally posted by rinse
Does anyone know when the Chicago downtown store is going in? I really would like to be a genius there.

Last i heard it was going to be in august, on the Mangnificent Mile right across form Bannana Republic and it might be two to three floors???????????

butt i may be wrong.

BTW: what wrong with driving 1 hour and 45 mins in traffic to go to the one in Schaumburg at the woodfield mall??????
Oh yeah I forgot Americans don't even know we exist . That or they think we can't use computers in our igloos.

wow, Canadians have advanced to igloos. Congratulations !! If we had known you were that far along we might have started our invasion and made you part of the states by now:D :rolleyes:

maybe if you built a really big igloo in the middle of the village, then apple would come set up shop in it:p

(ok, so shoot me - i live 35 mins from an apple store and still haven't been:( )
Originally posted by culo77

BTW: what wrong with driving 1 hour and 45 mins in traffic to go to the one in Schaumburg at the woodfield mall??????

As much as I love driving on Golf Rd. to Schaumburg (:rolleyes: ). I went the first day and got a shirt and notebook, and The Sims Livin' Large. It wasn't as exciting as it would be now with the new iMac and 10.1.5 being out. They still had the older iMac and most were still runing OS9.

I'd rather take the "L" down (depends on where you live), though.
I last heard it was early 2003 and is supposed to be 2-3 floors near the Crate&Barrel(sp?) on Michigan Ave.. Don't know if I want to wait that long...
man, 2003! why so long? they have the space already.... why not get that thing running for the summer street traffic?


and, i have been out to the Schaumburg store, but Jeez... i hate the suburbs. couldn't imagine reverse commuting out there for work.
I think early 2003 is a bad Business move...

two times to open a computer is June-July rigth when the College and school students splurge before school.

Or before X-mas, cause you know if its a new store all those stupid rich folk walking on the mag-mile during christmas shopping see a new store of cool looking stuff, and since it is on the mag-mile "it should be high class stuff.":rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Butt hey with so may compusa's in our area i guess we can wait...:confused: :confused:
Originally posted by culo77
I think early 2003 is a bad Business move...

Butt hey with so may compusa's in our area i guess we can wait...:confused: :confused:

I prefer Micro Center... better prices and less mac bashing.
Originally posted by rinse

I prefer Micro Center... better prices and less mac bashing.

MAC bashing is the fun of going to compusa.

I usually go to the one on touhy and central.
I stop in there when i am waiting to see a movie.... i go striat to the mac section and the same guy is always there tryin to get me to buy the Toshiba satilite instead of the iBook.

given the toshiba is an awesome laptop with the best built-in speakers....but it just love to mess with the guy and get him too stumble on his words........

He always tells me that to switch to mac is too hard and expensive but most of all "HARD TO USE" if your used to windows????????
Then goes on complaing that software is scarce and expensive to find.
Then says they only look nice but within a year start to break down.....the hardware is cheaply made...

somtimes he will make up thing that make no sense and the
start to tell me about the toshiba again ad how he has one and his HP desktop and how easy it is to network M$ machines.....

by then my girlfriend is complaining to get to the movies on time

now tell me thats not a fun why to waste 45 mins wait for a movie????????

(dont have time to spell chek)
I remember when Sears use to carry macs, then they stopped, then they started again and so on... then I stopped going to Sears.

Actually I bought my second mac from them (Mac Performa 633). I loved that machine. But I did I was really didn't have a choice, they were the only ones in my area that sold macs.
I have the Glendale Apple Store less than 20 minutes from my apartment, and now a Flagship at the Grove at Farmer's Market less than 10 minutes.

God bless LA. I was hoping for a store at Hollywood & Highland so it would only be a two minute walk, but will have to live with a short drive to Third & Fairfax.

Gotta love Apple.