Flash Expert Needed !


New Rhapsody User
I need some help with Flash. I decided to make a band website in Flash...

In Scene-1, I have the text "News" first converted to a Movie Clip Symbol, then that was converted to a Button Symbol.
Scene-1 > MovieClip > Button.
The reason I did that was so I could have animation on a rollover. Here is the problem: When the user clicks the "News" button/movie clip thing, I want Scene-1 to skip to frame 90. Seems simple enough right? Just go to the news button symbol, open the Actions Panel and type:

on (release) {

It does not work. Any ideas? Can a button not control Scene-1 when it is inside a movie clip? If anyone can help, I will send them the *.fla file.

thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ask Habilis, he did some nice stuff with his design stuff.

Also, it might be helpful if you could post a .swf file of what you're currently working on and update with major improvements.
The code you have above is telling the button to go to frame 90 in its own timeline, not scene-1's timeline.

Try this

on (release) {

It will tell the button to go and play from frame 90 in the scene-1 timeline.

Mat - The Flash Expert.
thanks mat. That works when I do not have any animation inside of the movie clip. But here is the problem. Inside a movie clip, I have 30 frames of animation, every frame has a keyframe in it. Do I have to put your:
on (release) {

in every single frame?!
I'm not quite sure what you mean. The movie clip you mention is that the scence-1 or the button movie clip?

Just put the button on its on layer inside the animation movie clip and add blank frames so the button spans the total frames of the animation.

you can also use _root.gotoAndPlay(90); if you are tageting the main timeline of your clip.

Another option is to use homemade functions. That starts getting a little advanced.
Originally posted by Mat
I'm not quite sure what you mean. The movie clip you mention is that the scence-1 or the button movie clip?

The Movie clip is inside of Scene-1, and the button is inside of the movie clip.

scene-1 > movie clip > button

Would it be a big help if I posted a *.fla example?
Here is a simple example of what I am trying to do. There the text "LINK" which was first converted to a movie symbol, and then the movie symbol was converted into a button. In the movie clip, there are 28 frames of animation. When the user clicks the "LINKS" text, I want the root scene to skip and start playing frame 5.


  • example.fla.sit
    3.1 KB · Views: 2
Alright, I downloaded the file and played around with it. First off, there is a certain logical thougt process with flash programming and if you are wanting to learn more about flash I would suggest a good book. One of my favorite Authors is Phillip Kerman, especially 'ActionScripting in Flash'. He does an awesome job of explaining flash and helping understand the most effecient way to program.

There are a number of ways to do what you want but I wanted to keep it simple and use basic actionScript so I removed the extra key frames in the LINK layer, you dont need them. Next, i went into the Link movieClip. OMG what a ton of work to have to deal with a button on 25 keyframes, what if you needed to change the action....way too much work. instead, i created a clear button(one of the most useful tricks in flash) and had it span the clip and then just had a regular text field to display the text on one keyframe and then a blank one. look at the button actions and how I target the _root timeline.

If you have any questions, let me know but in the meantime, go get that book :)


  • examplepardus.sit
    4.6 KB · Views: 4
Thats OK, i feel stupid everyday. Feeling stupid is the first step in getting smarter. sometimes it takes people a long time to feel that way, those are the not so smart ones.