Flash Player 7 Beta, experience?


Just wondering if any of you have installed the new beta version of the Flash player and would like to share your opinions. I'm a bit hesitant to install it myself as I'm not too sure how to uninstall in case this version will crash my Safari (more than usuall).

I couldn't find exactly how to uninstall the flash player unless it just is a matter deleting and downloading the old version. Anybody?

Thx. Hope this version is a LOT quicker. It seems that they spent a lot time optimizing this player rather than on new features. I hope they cracked the nut for the mac version to come on par with the PC version speedwise.
Its just a plugin. Goto OS Drive ->Library->Internet Plug-ins-> and drag the file Shockwave Flash NP-PPC and drag it to a new location or your desktop. Dont delete it incase you want to use 6 again. and just instal the beta. If you dont like the beta just go back to that floder and delete it and drag back you version 6
It's hard to tell on my hardware, but I haven't had any problems with it yet, so I guess that's a vote of confidence...
Version 7? I can't even get 6 to install correctly!! I've run the v6 installer about 20 times, and except for OmniWeb, all other browsers (incl. Safari, IE and Netscape) continue to run v5!!
brianleahy - do a search on your HD. you may have multiple copies in multiple locations. The plugins should be in the Library>Internet Plugins folder. There's also the User>Library>Internet Plugins folder, I believe. Having two different versions of these plugins in two different locations might be the culprit.
Kool thx Pardus.

So now I have installed it and on my powerbook it does seem faster but not much. I'm still getting some lag here and there, but it has not crashed Safari yet.

I hope MM does even more optimizing not just for PC's (they didn't really need it in the first place) but especially for OS X.

I'm not sure of the software design approach of Flash but I think it does alot of calls directly on the CPU, is this why the Mac seems so much slower than a PC? In the fact that a MISC processor can handle the calls faster?

So does this mean that the G5 will also automatically mean that Flash will come up to par or even pass the performance of PC's? Even though the G5 is still RISC it should still be way faster in handling the request because of it's 64 bit capabilities?

Anyway just hoping that Flash will finally be worth its potential on my mac.

be good to hear your views / speculations