Flash Player Freezes Browsers


The Adobe Flash Player plugin freezes my browsers, especially when scrolling pages with flash content.

I have version 9.0r16 installed on my 10.3.9 PPC G3 Powerbook. What is my best option to try to remedy this problem?

Should I go back and install one of the older versions?
8r34, 8r33, 8r24 or 8r22.
How recently did you download Flash? Have you tried downloading the latest one on the Adobe site and reinstalling over that?
Everything I read about the latest version of Flash Player - Plugin sounds like a nightmare, so I don't see any reason to try it and a lot of reasons not to. That's why I wanted to know if people recommend going back to some version of 8. I'm really tired of the endless crashes.
REally? What bad things have you read? I haven't had any problems with it on my iMac G5 at home and an iMac G3 system at work. :confused:
Read the reviews at MacUpdate and Version Tracker. I have dozens of flash player plug-in crash threads (for Safari and Camino). The freezes that occur when scrolling flash content pages are particularly annoying, especially any new links. So I'm wondering whether or not going back to some version of 8 is better for my older G3, maybe the newer flash player
needs more RAM or hertz or something to function properly. I don't know.
Does anyone have any experience going back to Flash Player 8 versions?
Will webpages with flash media load properly (minus the flash ads) if someone deletes the Flash Player plugin totally?