Flash Sites Slow in 10.1


I'm running 10.1 and IE 5.1. When I visit sites with shockwave or flash animations, the movies appear slow... like each frame is displayed longer than the others. I didn't have this problem in 9.2.1 with IE 5.

I'm using an iMac 350MHz with 128 MB ram. Anyone else having this problem or is it just me? Maybe it's IE? (That wouldn't be a first.) Thanks!
The fundamental problem is the browsers are using obsolete event manager calls instead of Carbon events, and don't allow the plugin to hog the CPU. There is a secondary problem that Macromedia hasn't optimized Flash for our platform.

The best results I have found is loading a Flash movie in Mozilla 0.9.5 (or whatever) and holding the mouse button down (like, for example, on the status bar in a browser window). Mozilla is VERY slow when you don't hold the mouse down, but then you do hold it down it polls for mousing events which calls kwaitnextevent more often and effectively hogs the CPU.

Another thing which potentially helps is increasing the priority of the browser process. Find the process ID of your browser and run:

sudo renice -20 PID

where PID is the number.