flashing Broken File after attempting to install Osx


Someone gave me an old iMac G3 m5521 that runs/ran Os 9.
The machine has slot loading DVD drive and Firewire...
I tried to install Tiger on it and it rejected it saying that it cannot be installed on this computer.
Now when i start the iMac I get this file icon with question mark flashing forever.:confused:
When I restart the computer with the option button pressed I am not getting any start up disks....just too buttons on the screen (recycle) and (arrow pointing right). Pressing the latter 2 does not do anything.
I don't have the original OS9 disc to restore it.
Is there a way to fix it painlessly?
Thank you. :)
You need to apply firmware before the Tiger install. You must also have 256 MB of RAM. After that, Tiger should install.

The catch is that you must have OS 9 installed to install the firmware.
Funny but Tiger actually can be installed on that iMac. Perhaps it just needed a firmware update, though it should have shown a dialog box to that effect. I don't know if you can use the OS X disc to do anything at all without the proper firmware, but unsupported Macs do at least allow you to choose Start-up Disk from the drop-down menu when you boot from the DVD. Though it is probably too late for that now to be of any help.

But Mac OS 9 is available as a free download.

Macosxhints has all the instructions on how to get a disk image out of it.