Hi all,
My Mac G5 froze while using Safari and when I turned it back on the screen went grey and eventually the flashing folder with question mark appeared.
Thanks to other threads on this forum I have managed to insert and run the install CD.
When clicking on repair in Disc Utility it starts to repair but I ger the message...
" Checking HFS Plus Volume:
Catalog file entry not found for extent
Volume Check failed
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 volume could not be repaired because of an error"
after a shortwhile.
Having read other threads I ve noticed that if the repair button is grey then there might be a more serious problem but as I can click on repair, I'm hoping this is not the case in this instance.
Any ideas would be greately appreciated.
Many thanks,
Paul HB.
My Mac G5 froze while using Safari and when I turned it back on the screen went grey and eventually the flashing folder with question mark appeared.
Thanks to other threads on this forum I have managed to insert and run the install CD.
When clicking on repair in Disc Utility it starts to repair but I ger the message...
" Checking HFS Plus Volume:
Catalog file entry not found for extent
Volume Check failed
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
1 volume could not be repaired because of an error"
after a shortwhile.
Having read other threads I ve noticed that if the repair button is grey then there might be a more serious problem but as I can click on repair, I'm hoping this is not the case in this instance.
Any ideas would be greately appreciated.
Many thanks,
Paul HB.