I remember when the iMac came out and was blasted by some for its lack of a floppy disk drive. I was also a bit surprised and then thought about it for five seconds and realized how utterly useless floppy disks had become and how they would never disappear if somebody (Stevo) didn't take a stand and say "Floppy disks are dead!"
I immediately burned all my floppies to a CD master and put em in a shoebox in the attic "just in case".
We have only one floppy drive on my biz partner's PC laptop in our office. Otherwise it's three G4s and two iMacs, none with floppies. Whenever somebody shows up with a floppy I want to punch them in the face just for being so out of touch. Could you please join us in the 21st century?
p.s. symphonix, much laughter here
On a similar subject, about a year ago I bought an Apple II at a garage sale for $4 complete with monitor, joystick and disk drive. You know, that old "truly" floppy 5.25" size. I pulled out a box of old-style floppies with some sucky Basic apps that I had written thinking there was no way they'd still work. Sure enough, after 15 years of being in attics, shuffled around, at one point in a damp garage, they worked perfectly. Maybe we should go back to using those?