Flying to Italy-Metal Detectors...



I'm flying to Italy in a few days, and I'm wondering if the metal detectors or airpost scanners will damage my G4 laptop, if I have to put it through the machine?

Anyone know...

Thanks in advance.
Nope, don't think so. Flew recently with my hp laptop; went thru 2 metal detectors and was fine. Are you worried coz its got an aluminium shell?
I thought when computers went through an xray machine, it wasn't a good thing. I could be mistaken though.

I've put my PowerBooks through numerous xray machines - never had a problem... So have my wife, mother, father and sister - all with Ti or Al PowerBooks..

However, if you're really worried about it, talk to the guys operating the xray machines!

Hope this helps...
I pass through detectors 50 times a year.... never had a problem.
As part of what I do I have to travel a lot,

I have an ibook and it is part of my body, I am taking it all over, anyway, No problems until now. the x-ray machines can not harm your G4.No way.I Passed it lid closed, lid opened, with or without the case. All okay

anyway of you look on the any airport website theu will tell you the same thing.
"The airport security X-ray machines will usually not affect hard drives nor the machine it self." bla, bla bla .....

as you are using a MAC probably you do not have "floppies " as they are affected the shilding not being as good as for the laptops.

Have a nice flight and enjoy Italy

(is where I am at the moment great food and lot of places to see )...
Just make sure you take it in your hand-luggage though.

Although the scanners won't damage it in anyway, I can't say the same for the baggage handlers.
diablojota said:
The only thing that x-ray machines typically damage is camera film...

Not anymore. X-Ray machines (and the new chemical detectors) do not damage anything anymore. They just grow the queues !
I beg to differ. Go from Altenburg to Stanstead, a roll of film was completely ruined by the x-ray machine. The newest ones might not damage the film, but there are still ones out there that do.