Font previewer


I was wondering if anyone on the board had an opinion about a font previewing application in OS X. something that doesn't run slow like 'font browser', and doesn't necessarily have to be able to activate fonts.

my email is
try this script someone told me about.

The AppleScript is located here /Library/Scripts/Info\ Scripts/Font\ Sampler.scpt on your computer. It will display all fonts installed in a TextEdit window in the correct font. Then just print them off and you are your own font program!
but I don't know how to use that script.
I mean, do open that file? do i drag that file onto something?

seriously. not a clue what to do with that info script document.
okay, i see that hitting 'play' does the job. now I just need to install more fonts to get the full spectrum off my fonts previewed. i continue to use font browser to do this, correct?
I'm not a very smart font person but i just copy fonts into home/library/fonts then i run that script to see what i have installed. Does that help any?