font problems when printing a pdf file through HP Laserjet 5100


Hi, my problem is that I am working in Adobe Professional version. For some pdf files I can print on my GCC Elite 21N printer. Others will require the memory or plastic plate from the HP laserjet printer. (we use this printer for laser plates as we are a printing shop.)

The file will print on this printer but with font problems. Visually it looks good on screen. Font in question is helvetica. This is getting replaced by courier when printing to the HP printer.

Is this a problem with the system fonts? I am currently working on 10.2.8 but should be upgrading to 10.3 shortly.

Thank you,
It sound as if some how the two fonts in OS X has been renamed or mess up some how. Because when you use Adobe it has it own set of font hardwired in to the app. But when you print to the HP you have to hand off what Adobe has to the OS to do the print job, because Adobe can not talk right to the printer. So OS X has to do the printing. Now if the first point is not the case here then you may not have the font type the you need install in OS X's fonts. If thats the case then just do a google for them and install them your self. Because if there missing or massed up some how. OS X uses a font that is the closes to the one on screen.
It sounds like you have the screen font but a corrupt postscript font. If your using Illustrator or inDesign, outline your fonts before outputting the pdf and they will all be vector artwork and print just fine.