okay, so i know that ttf's work great for me, and when i'm downloading a free font from the wen, i always select a windows TTF because mac's are smarter and i guess there's more compatibility. i know that some fonts used to be problematic because switching back and forth from OSX to classic would have compatibility issues.
i'm trying to clean up my font collection and invest in a good font management program soon. I mainly use Quark 6.5, dreamweaver/flash, and CS2. As far as Type 1, TTF's, OTF's, Dfonts, etc.--what's the best to use?
Any suggestions on which font managment program to use?
i'm trying to clean up my font collection and invest in a good font management program soon. I mainly use Quark 6.5, dreamweaver/flash, and CS2. As far as Type 1, TTF's, OTF's, Dfonts, etc.--what's the best to use?
Any suggestions on which font managment program to use?