Fonts in MS Word 2004 and Font Book

James Johnson

Two questions on fonts:
1. The list of fonts on the drop-down menu in MS Word 2004 for Mac shows 3 fonts which are not in Font Book:
Helvetica CE
Lucinda Grande CY
Monaco CE.
I do not use them, so how can I remove them from the Word menu?

2. These three fonts ARE in the Font Book, but even if I disable them, they still show up on the drop down menu:
Courier CE
Geneva CE
Times CE

I have removed all but five fonts from OFFICE/Fonts. They are: Arial, Monotype Sorts, Rockwell, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS) Is there another location for Word fonts?

They are not essential system fonts, nor do I use them, so how can I remove them from the drop-down list?
James Johnson