fonts overlap


In some web pages, like this one, the fonts either cover a following line or are covered by a following table. I don't know how to show the pic of your page here but in your page menu bar "follow us on twitter" (uncovered by choosing) is covered and completely obliterated by/with the page links which look like "--?--" "? TEAM" "ACCOUNT" but both lines are illegible for me.

Also "Welcome (br) Goldenbill (br) ((Log Out)) impose on both the Menu Bar and the following "Welcome Goldenbill" table, which, if there were text in either of these tables at this point, would be obliterated also.

I don't believe it is a fault of my computer [iMac G5; OSX 10.4.11) as some of your pages do not display this problem.

Enlarging and/or decreasing the text/page size does nothing to change these problems.

I hope I've made my problem clear as there are some pages I really do need to read correctly and it's almost impossible to do so. Any help is greatly appreciated.

iMAC G5; 74G; OSX 10.4.11; 1.8Ghz; 1.5GB;
Thank all of you who tried to help. I've been working on this off and on for over a month and today, after posting this query here, found the solution. Here, for anyone else having this problem is the answer that worked for me:

Text overlaps on Mac
From MozillaZine Knowledge Base
Image:Gmail - backspaced.png

This article deals with text overlapping on Mac OS X, where text in web pages, text boxes or e-mail messages becomes jumbled. The problem may be caused by duplicate fonts. To fix it:

1. In the Applications Folder, open Font Book
2. In the "Collection" column, select "Computer"
3. All duplicates will have a bullet after them. Use the command key to select all of the fonts with duplicates
4. Choose Edit -> Resolve duplicates
5. Restart Firefox/Thunderbird/whatever

Retrieved from ""

Category: Issues (Firefox)
I posted yesterday that I had found the answer to my problem of text overlap. True BUT I now have text that is about the size of a pin head, very clear but difficult for my eyes to read. Just in case someone decides to follow my procedure they are warned of the possible consequences. I'll try to find out how to remedy this problem and post if it can be corrected without retuning to the initial problem.

Do you have a minimum font size set in your browser? This can cause some websites to render incorrectly due to inflexible font size.
Thank you for your help. I changed smallest font size to "0"/"nothing" in both Firefox and Safari and the mail inbox is still tiny. Your Web Page has hugh headings but tiny information text.
Firefox has responded and now shows text in size designated in Font Book. Safari does not respond, it's text is about an "8" on Font Book Scale; a "1" on the scale designated in the Advance Reply font size for this site.

The option page in Firefox's mail box allows for a font size and responds to this choice. Safari also offers a font size choice but does not respond to the choice, even after shutting down and reentering.

All of your pages show information text sizes as an 8(1) size font for me.
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Thank you so much for your help. :) The font book info did solve part of the immediate problem and the fonts are quite legible though very small. Much like you however, I'm constantly searching to improve on perfection so I will continue to chase the illusive font in my spare time while enjoying what you have given me.

I love my Mac, there's always a new problem to solve. ::love::