Fonts -- Too many to handle


I hate to admit this, but I have too many fonts in my OSX system =|

A friend of mine passed me a CD of Macintosh fonts and I just copied everything into my font folder.

Now (few wks later) I realised that I have too many fonts in my system. Whenever I want to format my text face by clicking on the Fonts dropdown list (almost every program has them), the system takes really long to generate the list.

I'm thinking that I prolly do not require most of the fonts, but because there are like, more than 1000 of them (inclusive of system fonts) I can't go through them 1 by one.

What I was hoping to do is actually delete everything in the fonts folder (including the system fonts) and then replace the system fonts back in.

What do you guys think?
Should I do this?
If not, are there any better ideas than going through them 1 by 1?
Where can I get a set of osx default fonts, if there are any around?
Depends on whether or not you think you will use the fonts or not.

I have A LOT of fonts, however I use the majority of them when I want to work on a design project. Most of the time I take my unused fonts and put them on a temp folder in my hard drive (like temp fonts ro something like that). When I need to use specific ones, I look at them, see which one would look good for the project at hand, put it in the fonts folder, do my job, and then once done, put it back in the TEMP folder that I have :)
That way you still have the fonts, but when you dont use them, it doesnt slow down your system :)
hmm, well that's a good idea.

i'm thinking of doing the same thing, cept i'd prolly grab the fonts from the CD when i need 'em.

however, my problem atm is being unable to differenciate between the original osx system fonts from the new fonts i added.

i mean, i know arial and verdana and the other common ones etc, but i'm pretty certain that there are some not-so-common fonts that came with osx.

my question is actually to find out if there is a list of system fonts that are available anywhere, or if there's a "mac osx system font pack" available for download anywhere so i can just delete everything in my fonts folder and put the original system fonts in?
My advice is to install the X Window system. Next to that, the amount of fonts you have will seem utterly insignificant!

Always pleased to be of service,

-the valrus
If you put them in /Library/Fonts, this is a list of what is in mine:
AmericanTypewriter.dfont  Copperplate.dfont         Optima.dfont
Arial                     Courier New               Papyrus.dfont
Arial Black               Didot.dfont               Times New Roman
Arial Narrow              Futura.dfont              Trebuchet MS
Arial Rounded Bold        Georgia                   Verdana
Baskerville.dfont         GillSans.dfont            Webdings
BigCaslon.dfont           HelveticaNeue.dfont       Zapfino.dfont
Brush Script              Herculanum.dfont
Comic Sans MS             MarkerFelt.dfont
That should help in determining which came from the CD.
ah, thanks blb, that's exactcly what i've been looking for!

i actually want the minimum amount of fonts, not the maximum heh.
thanks mate =)