Food for rumor thought...


I get e-mails* everyday that review what is happening in the stock market. It also gives tips on what to buy, sell and hold with brief reasons why. Today's e-mail had this to say:

"AAPL (Apple Computer, Inc.): This stock has plunged over past two months like most other tech stocks. Closing today at 14.74, 5.36 % in the green, the stock is just under a point away from its 52-week low (13.80). We see the stock in an inviting position at the current price. If you have it, hold on to it. If you don't, buy it. Though details are sketchy, something big is coming from Cupertino."

I called a friend of mine who works with Merrill Lynch. He said he had heard rumbling of a couple different types. One invloves Apple and IBM. The other involves Apple and Sony. He also noted that one of his clients who works for Cingular came in talking about a new SonyEricsson phone utilizing Apple technology that would be released early next year. He strongly noted that this was a rumor off the street. It could be misunderstanding of the MacWorld demo, or it could be something more promising.

I don't know what to make of this, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.


*I do not buy stocks based on this advice. I don't buy stocks at all. I'm a poor graduate student who gets the e-mail because I participated in a stock portfolio management game. Therefore, I neither endorse or refute the views of this e-mail and the company that distributes it.
Apple picks strange battles. A while ago, around the time of the iPod introduction, we were told that Apple was trying to go at it with Sony because they are the other big "Widget" company. This lead us to believe that Apple would be entering the camera and PDA competition and possibly even phones. Now we have rumors that they will be teaming up with SonyEricsson to make the next big thing.

Now they are in full assault mode against M$. What can we expect a year down the road?
Apple IS a "rollercoaster ride!" But I must say, it is about the best "rollercoaster ride" in the world! Amen to dat. :cool:
On the Apple v. M$ front (in terms of wireless tech), M$ is forcing it's way into the arena with AT&T Wireless (my current provider, d'oh), and it already has agreement with VoiceStream, Sprint PCS and Verizon to develop technology based on PocketPC 2002 technology.

If Apple and SonyEricsson have something in the works that includes Cingular, it would seem as though all three companies are clearly staying on the non-M$ side of the proverbial line in the sand in the wireless arena.

As for Apple picking its battles, it’s just like an actual war. Your enemy’s enemy is your ally. In this case Apple may be siding with other “enemies” of M$.

depends what apple technology sonyEricsson uses.
If its an OS issue, forget about it :p --- Apple has no Mobile OS ready and it cant adapt one fast enough. SonyEricsson at the moment will use SymbianOS which has been in that business at least for the past 4 years, its stable, works, and has a future. All major manufacturers (i.e. nokia, SonyEricsson and a few others) use symbian :)
