For all you CoD fans out there!


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I've recently taken delivery of Call of Duty 2 for the PC (yuk). What an awesome game! Without a doubt, the best CoD yet!

Problem is, we want it on the Mac too, but Aspyr have yet to announce whether or not they will be porting it. Obviously they need to know that there is demand for it. So if anyone has Call of Duty or Call of Duty:United Offensive – or even if you haven't, but feel like helping us Mac gamers, contact Aspyr and tell 'em you want to see CoD2 on the Mac!

E-mail them here:


I've got it on my PC too. It's an awesome game, but I have yet to play much of it.

When did Aspyr announce Doom III was coming for the Mac in relation to the original PC release date?? It seemed like it was a while after...
Being a huuuuuuuuuge CoD fan, I'll e-mail them this weekend. :)

Maybe if I do one e-mail from each of my e-mail accounts I can help out even more! :p