For Cat Lovers

Ralph J.

enjoys cheese
check out this pic...

isn't this just the cutest thing you ever saw?

Happy Valentines Day!!!


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Cute cat! Here's my cat, Snowball when she was a kitty. She's part Siamese and a riot....she "talks" all day!
Maybe we can get Jadey to post somemore pictures of Cyan. There was a cute cat!!

(Note: Most cats are cute, but her's looks like one I had growing up.)
First off... no that wasnt funny.
Second... isnt this stuff illegal somewhere. Its gotta be, or I would have seen it sooner.:D
lol the best cat ever was irene ;) She was my persian when I was growing up in greece :D To bad she is not longer with us :(

This kitty scan thing is hilarious :P -- I wonder what possesed these people to do this :p
Here's a pic of a cat I am feeding which sometimes even enters my home. My other cat, Jack Daniels, isn't really thrilled about it, but well, I just can't let such a small kitty starve.

It's one of the loudest cats I know...if you take a look at the pic you might know why.

No, I haven't squeezed it until it miaued, it always miaus when I try to pet it...


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and finally, both of them, my "house cat" jack daniels in front (you can see how he feels about that seconds cat around) and the "adopted" Trolly

(doesn't jack look like "why are you doing that to me???")


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Awwwww... ulrik: Your real cat looks almost exactly like my cat at home! Mine's a brown tabby, but not fat yet (he's still a youngster). :) I should get some pics of him (and my other fat tabby) up. :)