for the CSS maniacs



I have a CSS that states:

tr:hover {color:red;background-color:yellow;}

which highlights each row of a table as the cursor passes over them.

This works fine in Safari, mozilla and firefox but fails miserably in Explorer.

Does anyone know there is a known limitation for the Hover pseudo-code in Explorer?

Thanks for feed-back.
Yes, I discovered that also..

But I'm trying to assess whether the behaviour of Explorer standard or isn't it?
Standards don't matter... market share does.... not saying it is right, just the way it is.

Develop for MSIE, but build in nice stuff for browsers that care about standards... and assume that most of your audience will be MSIE...

There's absolutely no reason you can't build a standards compliant site that works well in IE. It happens all the time. Yeah, market share is a factor...but accessibility and usability is also a factor. Saying "standards don't matter" is kind a mis-informed assumption, which has lead us to the problems we face today. Standards are there for a reason and should be adhered to whenever possible.

aicul, do have a link to the page with the problem? It's a lot easier for us to trouble shoot when we can see the 'big picture' so to speak.

A lot of problems with CSS and IE are related to the doctype specified and whether or not IE is rendering the page in Quirks mode or Standards mode. I use hovers on divs, lists, etc. all the time with good results on newer versions of IE. They don't always work, but they can depending on the element they're used on. I'd stay away from JS 'fixes' if at all possible.
Do a quick search in google for Explorer CSS hover, I got a ton of hits with people all saying it doesn't work in IE.

I ran into a lot of incapatabilities this weekend working on one of my web assignment. One of the most annoying was when I tried to change the color of form components with javascript.

I used the msdn library to find the objects and methods i needed to use. The method I ended up using was called setAttribute() After reading what was posted on MS's site i assumed you did it like this formComponent.setAttribute('style', 'background: #FFFFFF') or whatever where formComponent is reference to one of the form components such as a text box or button. This worked fine in Mozilla but failed in IE, I did a search in google and came up witha result that said to use'background', '#FFFFFF') i tried it, it works in IE but in Mozilla no objects have a style object. So I had to write 2 different code paths for mozilla and IE.

Now I know I am not the only one to encounter the differences between the 2 but I just wanted to rant about it for a while.

Here, someone check out the msdn library for setAttribute() and tell me how you think it is to be used by reading it.
Ok, so my guess is that explorer does not conform. Pity. I don't have a page to show yet, I was testing the CSS facilities before settling for some approach. Guess I'll use JS to highlight rows of a table as the cursor moves on top. Cheers