Forcing a CD to do a full install


Hello everyone!

I am a school teacher and I have a laptop with Mac OS X on it (I'm not sure which version) and I have an old iBook and iMac that I let my students use. I have a bunch of educational software for these computers that runs off Mac OS 9. What I would like to do is set up a Launcher on these computers with a choice of games for the children to play. My problem is that most of these games run off the CD and so I'm forced to give the children only one choice or run over and change the CD for them every time they pick a different game (they are an age where I don't want them touching my CDs). Is there any way to fully install a CD that was not designed to do a full installation? Can I access the contents through Mac OS X and then take them over via flash drive? I'm not trying to steal the CDs. I already own them. I just want to find a way for them to all be accessible at the same time.

I have had the same problem and never did find an alternative way.
I had to change the CD myself.