Forget Switchers... It's Time To Think Different...

i wouldn't call one of the greatest literally minds of modern times cheesy or vomit enducing - but then one mans art is another mans trash i guess... then theres those who just don't 'get it' or even try to get it...

the text is a perfect fit for apples own ethos - the steve jobs talk at stanford recently (which iteself carries quotes) echoes a lot of what its about at its root.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

stay hungry, stay foolish....
Oh dear, I can see you're trying to pick an arguement. I wasn't talking about what was being said, rather the cheesy way in which it was presented, which you've missed. Certain styles will only go down well in given countries, while being laughed at in others.

Heavens above! Are you being serious? you want to argue over an old ad? If so, perhaps you should find the appropriate forum to debate it in, and someone who actually cares to debate it with. :-)

By the way, didn't you ever learn as a child that it's not nice to be rude.

'...Oh dear, I can see you're trying to pick an arguement...'

calm down - its only the internet! - its very telling you had to edit your post though! you must have had a mighty chip on your shoulder to come back to it!

'...Are you being serious? you want to argue over an old ad? should find the appropriate forum to debate it in...'

actually, yes - thats why I started this thread!!!



back on topic - or - back on the straight path...

the iTMS is carrying a new coldplay / itunes tv advert - i havent actually seen it on tv yet. its of the ilk of those ads that are for musicians but made by the likes of hmv etc - i always used to think that apple should make those sort of ads and it looks like they are - though its still all about music / ipods and not OS / computer hardware.
parb.johal@ante said:

'...Oh dear, I can see you're trying to pick an arguement...'

calm down - its only the internet! - its very telling you had to edit your post though! you must have had a mighty chip on your shoulder to come back to it!

I came back to it because I wanted to make sure my comments were appropriate, and focussed - I hope that doesn't offend you, I do it all the time. In fact, I wanted to make sure I didn't offend you, you seem quite emotional about this, if I did upset you, I'm so sorry. I don't need to "calm down" because you're picking up on something which isn't there, I'm afraid. Perhaps you are agitated because I didn't like that little advert?

Comments like "theres those who just don't 'get it' or even try to get it..." and "stay hungry, stay foolish...." as well as being overtly negative are also readable as a little personal dig and makes me think you need to chill a bit, and I mean it in the most friendly manner.

parb.johal@ante said:
'...Are you being serious? you want to argue over an old ad? should find the appropriate forum to debate it in...'

actually, yes - thats why I started this thread!!!


mmh, like I said, perhaps you should chill my friend. Theres a difference between a debate and an arguement for the sake of arguement, you seem interested in the latter, I'll be the adult here and bail out. Enjoy your adverts :)
fjdouse - seriously - i find it incredibly difficult to get overly emotional - or indeed take personally the things said by / over what faceless users of a website forum say! nothing you've said is actually of much interest to the topic at hand but instead has shown your own LACK of cultural reference.

you talk of debate and correct forums for it, but your only real contribution to the actual topic has been -

'Foul! So much cheese, ham and apple pie in one go I almost vomitted.'

hmm - a nice and constructive - well thought out, clear and focused contribution! nothing overtly negative about that! it's a pity you didnt think to go back and edit that post! thanks!

if the day ever came where i took a forum as seriously as you like to think i do - i'd take myself out into the sunshine and try and connect with real people more often!

though i must say you've taken a few things i said personally - to pick up on the things YOU have picked up on... - a general comment i made about 'people who get it and people who don't' which is just a re-phrasing of 'one mans art is another mans trash' - unless you simply dont agree with that statement?...

and 'stay hungry, stay foolish' - again, you seem to have taken this as a personal dig at you! when it couldnt be further from that! it's lengthy to go into here - but google it and you'll see why i wrote that at the end of that particular post - in reference to the quote i pasted within it.

'...heres to the crazy ones, think different - stay hungry, stay foolish...'

in fact - you probably won't do that as you've said you're bailing out of this thread...

ho hum...

*and if you are reading this - 'ho hum' is in no way a dig at you...*


back to topic now?!...
ok, you're almost ranting now, you can't seem to take an apology, I can only say sorry so many times before even my patience wears out. I'm sorry if I offended you, no go back to your philosophical dissection of adverts in peace and get over it.
well done on the climnb down! your re-edit of the post sure beats your original single line of -

'Foul! So much cheese, ham and apple pie in one go I almost vomitted.'

i agree with you one one aspect - such an advert played in the uk (or other non-north american english speaking country) would need to be re-recorded.

as an advertising writer / designer myself (hence the 'philosophical dissection of adverts'!! meh!) i've worked with clients where the tone of delivery is sometimes more important than imagary in some regions.

however - theres a current range of ads by honda in the uk which are massively popular - delivered in a very similar VO stlye - but yet they are still very popular. brand awareness of honda on the back of those adverts has risen considerably - and theres actually very little product placement or 'sell'.

the think different campaign and the recent stay hungry, stay foolish speech by steve jobs reminds me very much of a 'music' single that went number one in the uk called something along the lines of 'wear sunscreen'. again that was delivered in a very similar style to the think different ad and the honda ads.

if you read my original thread starting post you'll see that i think that the think different campaign would work perfectly as a brand builder (so you have more people thinking of apple as more than just the maker of ipods) - but only on the back of ads that feature hardware and the OS. an entire (and long running) campaign.

the new ads that are currently being filmed (apparently) using ames rooms seem like they will be squarely pushing the mac mini - probably the nearest peice of computer hardware to the ipod in the apple line-up. i just hope that apple dont spend alot of money building and filming these ads and then only showing them a couple of times...

the windows 'start something' ads are already appearing in a big way - and are pretty misleading regarding that actual abilities of the windows OS. Apple needs to jump all over this and tout the macs / the OS / iLife...
I have to say, there was a time when I really liked Apple's ads. I had them on Zip disks back then... There was one demo movie on an Apple "Multimedia" CD (promoting Quicktime, I guess...) that I liked especially, but I can't seem to find it _anywhere_. It was called "Momentum Mac". If anybody has a link to that or has the video... (It was rather big, I recall...)