Former Apple Members make very small laptop.

Hmm, it looks like a clunky mp3 player with a monitor attached to it (side view)
and the front photo of the keyboard is strange. I guess there is some audience who would want this but if Apple does release a PDA than there better be a good reason.
The website hurts my eyes and the navigation is somewhat awkward. They should promote their product better.
fryke said:
800*420 is more than enough for such a small device. Don't forget that the product is _not_ as of yet available. So any musings about its price and battery life are futile, anyway...

You are supposed to be able to hook the device up to a monitor where ever you are. It depends on if it uses that same resolution on a nice 15" LCD (or larger) or not. We'll have to see.
My Tungsten E's screen is 320x320. Compared to that, the Oqo's screen is huge. It's also almost as big as many people's resolutions (800x600).
I guess it would be a good niche product, but it sure isn't for me (WinXP issue aside).

A screen that small is utterly useless for general computer work. Of course it can be plugged in to a monitor, which is fine, but then why bother with a screen at all? (rhetorical question).

The keyboard. You're joking, right? Also utterly uesless for real work.

If I need to be in the field doing real work, then I'll need a more fully (full-sized) equipped machine. It's really the keyboard and screen that are the problem. Everything else can be tiny.

But, clearly, I'm not the intended audience for this machine. I assume it's mostly for field techs or people that have to be on the road all the time, but don't do tons of typing or work that requires screen real estate. I mean, even if the hardware could pull it off, I don't think you're ever going to see people editing video with it or sitting at the beach typing their next novel or designing a new dinosaur model in Maya on the train into work.
Viro said:
Whoa, you've just gone into an infinite 'do nothing' loop there. Bad programming! :)
'Infinite do nothing' loop...sounds like Windows to me. :D

Too small to be good for much use, at least to me.
Could you add this to the post title please: "Former Apple members make very small laptop and a very amateurish website to display it."