Found New game using IE


echo $row['what_tha'];
He He.... After getting over how "Broken" IE for X still is, I am now finding having fun going to sites that show just how broken IE is..... ;-)

visit and try to view the right side of the page.... it reminds me of one of those "Click Here" games where the button moves when the cursor gets close to it ...... LOL

I'm sure everyone has ran into this one allready.....

Where's the Ju Ju Beans ???
I know this is a mac forum but my old boss from when I was in college has been bugging me for that PeeCee exe that was called something like small penis. It said something like 'windows has detected that you have a small penis. Do you have a small penis?" then it offered buttons (yes and no). when you tried to hit no, the button would move like you said. so the poor scmuck had to admit to having a small penis...

We would put this in the startup files and screw with people at work. She now wants to do it to her in-laws...

Also, I hope there is a mac version of this....

any help will be met with much rejoicing.
