I Ordered a single processor PowerMac g5 at 1.8ghz. This however was delayed because of the upgrade of the 1.8ghz model to a dual 1.8ghz. I got the dual 1.8ghz upgrade for the price of the single processor 1.8ghz, However when it was sceduale to arrive, it came a few days earlier ( It arrived saturday nov 29th as oppose to tuesday dec 2nd when it was suppose to arrive ). So I set it up, everything worked well and on tuesday fed ex told me they have another g5 for me. I tryed to refuse it by saying i already got it, but they said they have a package and it must be deliver. So i accepted it then called apple(weds nov3rd 9:00 pm eastern), and found out i was only billed for 1 powermac g5. THEY SOME HOW DUPLICATED MY EXACT ORDER AND SHIPPED IT TO ME WITHOUT BILLING ME FOR IT. EVERYTHING I CUSTOMIZE, THE EXACT SAME WAY, THE EXACT COMPUTER, JUST AN EXTRA DUAL 1.8GHZ POWERMAC G5 WITHOUT THEM BILLING ME FOR IT. The person i spoke to said "Are you sure?" "Mind checking again?" As if she is practically telling me to take it because its not in there files lol. After her, I was transfered to a bunch of other people inwhich they laughed and said "wow" and questioned me about it. I admit I wanted to keep it, but i did the right thing instead. Tomorrow(Thursday dec 4th) I have to ship it out to apple with ups( at there expense ). For returning a computer of this worth ($2778 after tax and customization), I think apple should reward me. However I wasn't even given a "thank you" from the person that handled my situation.
Wow! I would have kept it ... I think. The guilt would have gnawed at me, though.
Still, I'm surprised they didn't at least thank you for your honesty.
I know, And there giving away iPods randomly everyday of this month until Dec 24th to people who sign up for iTunes, and I did this for them($2778) and I didn't even get a mouse pad or thank you :(
Something similar happened to me, when i ordered a Radiohead sweatshirt.

I filled in the info on the page, and sent it. I immediately realized that I didn't actually give my street address, so i emailed them my complete details.

Two sweatshirts arrived (a day after each other) - only billed for one. So, I gave the other one to my friend's g/f (hey, it cost 35pounds!) - since she switched me to a mac. :->

Thanks W.A.S.T.E.! hehe
Sucker! :D

No actually a very honorable thing to do. I would e-mail or contact someone at Apple and tell them what happened and how you didn't even get a thank you. In this case, I'd toot my horn about it, see what happens in response.
Thanks guys, but did apple did the right thing? Not even a Thank you! :( . I was hopeing maybe a call from steve jobs in the morning "hey man, heard about your honorable act, want to be new ceo of apple?" lol jk. Any more comments from anyone? Anyone who think that I should have kept it?
You did the right thing... now you just have to wait...
Karma isn't always and Instant Gratification thing.
I think you should have sent it to me. ;)

Ever read The $95,093.35 Check? This guy received a junk check and deposited it... and it cleared! Your tale reminded me of this story... both of you got something that you didn't really deserve, and you both did the right thing (eventually, in his case), without even a word of thanks from those not third parties.
I'm afraid I would've happily kept the machine! (Actually, without even being afraid! :) )

But I respect your honesty (my sister's single at the moment, do you want her number?)
Uoba good one man. Made me laugh lol. And as for Salvo, your 100 percent right. And I'm not even upset about it, I really didn't care if i did or did not got any graditude from apple. I just wanted to see what the reactions would be on this site. Amazing though, that this don't normally happen, yet it happened to me. I'm new to mac and this is my first mac and this happened. I must say though, that after witnessing the performace of the g5, I was impressed and did thought about keeping it. However I knew instinctively from the start I had to do the right thing and return it :).
I would have kept it too, I mean sure i like your honesty, but they didn't even say thanks, offer some free software, ipod or anything, thats not cool considering what you did. But what goes around comes around, so you did do the right thing, regardless how hard it was.
Well, I hope Apple will respond in some or other way. It's a fun story, anyway. If you want to propagate it, write me a mail for ;-)

Guess I would have waited a while and would have had to think about it. Can't say what I'd have done in the end... The situation is too tempting, I guess... But Karma or not: Apple _should_ do something for you. An iPod would certainly be nice. But it could basically be anything... Software (almost free for them, really...), wireless keyboard... AirPort upgrade or whatever wasn't included in your order...
Somebody once said that it's easy to do the right thing when somebody else is watching you, but to be truly honorable you need to do the right thing when nobody is watching you. I commend you for returning the computer. It appears that if you had kept it, nobody would have known anything, but you took it upon your shoulders to do the right things without being prompted. I also appreciated the fact that you don't seem to really want anything in return. It bugs me when people demand that they be compensated for doing something that they should be doing anyway. Granted, I do think a thank you would have been appropriate. That's a customer service thing and should be brought to Apple's attention. Just my opinion though. Enjoy your G5.

How about this slogan, "Apple. Good computers for good people"

I admit, I would have been REAL tempted to keep it. But there's a decent chance they would have found out at some point down the road and stuck it to you, so it's just as well you told them.

Oh, and I guess there's that whole moral and ethical thing, too.
Not to take the moral high ground here, but why is it that people expect do be rewarded for doing the right thing? It's like single Dads being fawned over for "sticking with it", when a single Mom gets back-stabbed for not having family values!

Anyway, as part owner of Apple, I salute you!