FREE iPOD!!!!!!


Bona Fide Pater Familius
I don't have any, but I want one (20G). The thing that is bugging me is that all over eBay you see "How to get a Free iPod". What's with this? Has anyone bought the info on this? How much of a scam is it? It would be nice if every Apple fanatic got a free iPod, but this is got to be a scam. Anyone have a story, info, mildly amusing antidotes?
Originally posted by 90X Double Side
1. Sell kit telling people how to get a free iPod for $5 on eBay
2. Repeat 100 times
3. Buy an iPod

Better watch it, they may sue or come after you for letting their secret out! <G>
I learnt quite early on. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Don't trust they are really dodgy. People trying to profit out of you love for the ipod.
There was a site I saw a while back... you buy products for a HEAVY fee, such as, you would buy a $300 TV for maybe $8000, and then you would get rebates back to reimburse the initial costs, making the product free.

Hmm... I don't feel like spending $8000 on a $300 TV... :D