Free Prizes last night?


Apple Avid
So i was curious to know...(unfortunately i couldn't go last night) did they give out free prizes like shirts , etc or did you have to buy something to get something free. Also, what was the Mac/Model that could be won?
You could win a 17" iMac with a Superdrive... and they gave you a sticker that reads .. "Stunning, cunning, and always running" with a fuzzy jaguar X on it. They also give you a jaguar mouse pad, it is round with a close up of the jaguar fur and a white apple logo in the middle of it. And it is funny cause the mousepad as actually fuzzy :) There was a buttload of people at the mall too (woodfield)...I was very impressed.
Here in Atlanta, at Lenox, it was just crazy. We arrived a little after 10PM, and already the line was at least 2000 people long. We didn't even make it in to the store until way after midnight.

I heard several people say that it was even bigger than the grand opening. Apple clearly underestimated the turnout, but fortunately, they didn't underestimate demand for Jaguar. There were plenty of copies on hand. Everybody who bought something got a Jaguar T-Shirt (black apple logo front, big spotted X on back). I also snagged one of the mouse pads and stickers.

I think the real draw was the 10% off anything (except Jaguar) in the store. That's $320 off of a TiBook 800, and a real enticing offer.

All in all, we had a good time with all the other Mac geeks in line.

Even though I had a copy of the Jaguar upgrade (through the OSXUpToDate Prgm) on it's way, I went ahead and bought another one. I guess the hype got to me.

It seems most of the other Apple stores did similar business. Makes you wonder how many Macs Apple could move if they just decided to drop the price 10% for a week....
Originally posted by serpicolugnut
Makes you wonder how many Macs Apple could move if they just decided to drop the price 10% for a week....

...or opened international Apple Stores. That would easily double the number of Mac users.