Freecom Classic SL Network drive



I've bought this unit only to subsequiently read stories of it jus tnot working under OSX Tiger. My setup is mac iBook running tiger, and most uptodate software via apple update. I have an adsl modem/router that also powers my wireless network.

I want to try plugging the drive into the mac and formatting it via USB, then installing it on the network. I have also downloaded the drivers that are available on the site but they seem to be a little out of date.

Any success stories that can be shared are obviously much appreciated. Otherwise it's onto eBay.

Thanks in advance

Hi, (first time post by the way), yes I have a 500GB Freecom Classic SL and never managed to get it to work with my iMac G5 until yesterday. I was about to claim a refund, when on a whim, I downloaded the latest driver from the Ximeta Inc website (for their NetDisk products) - NetDisk Tiger driver ver 1.6.2

Works perfectly now!

Good Luck with yours
