freeing up space?


I feel like an idiot posting this, but I am running with 10gigs of free space on my ibook and it has a 60gig harddrive. I want to free up space and I checked my applications and music and photos and altogether it equals to around 25gigs of used space, where is the other 25gigs at? I used tinkertool which freed up some space, but not anything too significant...
does anyone have any suggestions?
what am I missing? because I know I'm missin somthing...
It sounds like you just checked the following folders' sizes:

1. /Applications
2. /Users/[you]/Music
3. /Users/[you]/Pictures

Most likely, then, the extra 25 GB is accounted for by every other directory on your machine. If you're curious as to exactly where everything is, try downloading a trial license of OmniDiskSweeper and let it do its thing. This is always enlightening the first time.