Computer: Macbook Pro 15" 2.0Ghz with Rosetta, ATI X1600 graphics card, 1 gig RAM.
Problem: There will be horizontal pixel lines when the temperature goes above 50 degrees celsius. The computer will freeze in games randomly (particularly Warcraft III).
What I've noticed:
Apple+Q and Apple+option+escape does not do anything. Because it forces me to restart, I have no logs.
Other Macs can run in temperatures over 60 degrees celsius perfectly fine while mine cannot. When I put it on an A/C unit set at 40 degrees fahrenheit, I don't get any horizontal lines or freezes. (maybe the mac shuts off things at a particular temperature to prevent overheating and the set temperature was lowered)
Freezes vary from instantly going to a black screen, a green screen with vertical white lines, or just a normal freeze.
In a normal freeze, if I have iTunes playing in background, it won't be affected and will continue to play the song. (background processes may still be fine).
The green and black freezes will make the same sound repeat over and over.
Warcraft III (in-game) will sometimes start flickering in large random areas of the screen and it usually leads to a freeze.
Sometimes it will freeze even when the temperature isn't hot. (without warning)
What I've done:
reinstalled the OS and just installed Warcraft III to test display (still froze)
replaced the thermal paste
cleaned out the dust
The link above shows other details from other people with the same problem.
Computer: Macbook Pro 15" 2.0Ghz with Rosetta, ATI X1600 graphics card, 1 gig RAM.
Problem: There will be horizontal pixel lines when the temperature goes above 50 degrees celsius. The computer will freeze in games randomly (particularly Warcraft III).
What I've noticed:
Apple+Q and Apple+option+escape does not do anything. Because it forces me to restart, I have no logs.
Other Macs can run in temperatures over 60 degrees celsius perfectly fine while mine cannot. When I put it on an A/C unit set at 40 degrees fahrenheit, I don't get any horizontal lines or freezes. (maybe the mac shuts off things at a particular temperature to prevent overheating and the set temperature was lowered)
Freezes vary from instantly going to a black screen, a green screen with vertical white lines, or just a normal freeze.
In a normal freeze, if I have iTunes playing in background, it won't be affected and will continue to play the song. (background processes may still be fine).
The green and black freezes will make the same sound repeat over and over.
Warcraft III (in-game) will sometimes start flickering in large random areas of the screen and it usually leads to a freeze.
Sometimes it will freeze even when the temperature isn't hot. (without warning)
What I've done:
reinstalled the OS and just installed Warcraft III to test display (still froze)
replaced the thermal paste
cleaned out the dust
The link above shows other details from other people with the same problem.