Freezes...........kernal Info All Over Top Page


Before I was finished writing to you about my problem, the same thing happened again...a freeze with unresolved kernal trap info.....Darwin kernal version5.5.....waiting for remote debugger connection etc....... I have an Imac 10.1.5 mem 384MB power pc G3 I have no clue what all that is. My ability is moderate to minimal. I had trouble retreiving my email this evening as well, and had to contact a tech from the cable co. He said he made an adjustment and something to do with setting on internet explorer (version 5.2.3) I can answer any other questions you have for me to help you assist me.....I am sending this now before it happens again...thanks
Have you made any recent hardware/software changes?

Either way, you're using an extremely outdated OS. If you have the cash, it'd be a great idea to upgrade.