Freezing MacbookPro


Hi everyone, this is my first time on the site, and ill be very grateful with your help.
I recently buy a macbook pro, and it has been working fine, but since a while the computer just freeze when i surf some websites at safari and when i try to use msn messenger (for my main msn account..., i have another one and its working fine...).
It just freeze everything and start a delaying, i make a click to something and it takes around 30 secs to take the only way to fix it is force quit, im really upset and i dont know what to do.
U guys have any suggest?
You could try deleting Safari's Cache to see if that helps .... Go to Safari in the Menubar and choose "Empty Cache". Restart Safari.

Another option is to try FireFox and see if you have the same laggy performance.

Do you have Intego Virus Barrier installed?

I got random freezes on my MBP until I switched it off. No freezes since.


If it's more than one application crashing, verify the RAM with either memtest or runnign Apple Hardware Test from install disc 1 that came with your mac, in loop mode (ctrl-L, and run extended for a few hours).