Freezing up...



I am helping my friends with their Mac G4. It is freezing up on them. Happens mostly when they are using Adobe Photoshop CS v. 8.0. Recently they did a processor upgrade and a OS upgrade. The specs are below. They are very frustrated over the freezing problem. The Mac did not do this prior to the 2 upgrades. I am hoping someone would know what is causing this...

Processor- OWC Mercury Extreme G4 AGP processor - 1.2 GHZ PowerPC G4 -
Operating system- 10.4.3
L2 Cache- 256 KB
L3 Cache- 2 MB
Memory- 1.12 GB
Bus Speed- 100 Mhz
Program- Adobe Photoshop CS v. 8.0 ( they also have 7.0)

Thank you.
Well, you could test with a new operating system. However.. macs don't crash. At least, not outright. If this happens with a fresh OS, then you've got yourself a bad upgrade. It could also be RAM or some other component, but given that it just started with the upgrade, I doubt it. Contact the upgrade manufacturer if you isolate it to that.
Along with contacting OWC about the problem, I'd recommend downloading and installing the latest Tiger combo update, 10.4.8.
I was going to see if there was an upgrade to 10.4. I have seen some other postings that others have had a problem with 10.4.2. So maybe that is the issue. I'll try that fisrt before calling the manufacturer.
